(EST-Toronto Time)

NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

Linking life with learning!

Local Time

Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

MAT01: Mathematics

This course is designed for Grade 1 students to teach mathematics by addressing five important aspects of mathematics such as (i) number; (ii) algebra; (iii) data, (iv) spatial sense and (v) financial literacy. Students practice critical and creative thinking in all five strands of Mathematics. In number, students work with numbers up to 50 and begin to develop an understanding of the ways we use numbers. They are also introduced to the idea of fractions, through the context of sharing things equally. In algebra, students begin to look at how patterns can be used to make predictions. They also begin to work on the idea that in a number sentence both sides must be equal to each other. These ideas are foundational to algebra work in later grades. Students will begin to write code to order a sequence of steps. They will also be introduced to mathematical modeling to analyze and create solutions for real-life situations.
In data, students begin to develop their understanding about data by setting out to answer a question of interest. They organize this data into categories, and then display this information in order to draw conclusions. In spatial sense, students develop their spatial sense as they compare the length, mass and capacity of different objects as well as learn how calendars are organized to describe time. They also learn specific language to describe different shapes. In financial literacy, students learn to recognize Canadian coins and bills and compare their values.
For more information about the course, please click here.

Course Regular Price: US$550 – Full-time.

Reduced price: US$385 (Save US$165) – Full-time.

          Regular Price: US$600 per course [Part-time]

Reduced Price: US$550 per course (Save US$50) [Part-time]


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