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NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

Linking life with learning!

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Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

CSD03: Cognitive Skill Development

This course is designed for Grade 3 students to teach Cognitive development skills by addressing stages of Jean Piaget’s, (1) sensory motor stages (2) preoperational stages (3) concrete operational stage, we will bridge a gap between year 2 & 3. An 8-year-old child, typically in third grade, will continue to develop more complex language skills. Their focus and attention span improve. They will improve pronunciation and learn to follow more commands in a row than they could at age 7. Reading skills become more sophisticated. Age 8 can be a magical year. It’s the year that your little kid really becomes a big kid. Middle childhood is a time of physical, mental, and emotional growth. It’s possible you’ll notice that your child no longer asks for your help with their homework and they may be wanting to spend more time with their friends. Here, we’ll break down all you need to know about your 8-year-old’s development emotionally, socially, and physically, as well as brief your on-safety tips and when certain concerns might warrant a call to your child’s pediatrician.
For more information about the course, please click here.

Course Regular Price: US$550 – Full-time.

Reduced price: US$385 (Save US$165) – Full-time.

          Regular Price: US$600 per course [Part-time]

Reduced Price: US$550 per course (Save US$50) [Part-time]



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