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NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

Linking life with learning!

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Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

CSD04: Cognitive Skill Development

This course is designed for Grade 4 students to teach Cognitive development skills by addressing stages of Jean Piaget’s (1) Sensory motor stage (2) preoperational stage (3) concrete operational stage. We will do a quick recap of all stages of Jean Piaget termed. At this age they can read and understand longer sentences up to 12 words. Can add and subtract 2-digit numbers, understand fractions, and are learning how to borrow and carry values. Like organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends. Think independently. At this age, children are still largely concrete thinkers but are beginning to be able to think in more abstract ways, and about more abstract concepts. Most children are reliably able to see things from another’s perspective and, because of this, can show genuine empathy for another’s experiences and feelings. At this stage they will apply logic and reasoning to concrete events. Become increasingly interested in team sports. Get dressed, brush their hair, brush their teeth, and get ready without any help. Use simple tools, such as a hammer, by themselves. Like to draw, paint, make jewellery, build models, or do other activities that use their fine motor skills.
For more information about the course, please click here.

Course Regular Price: US$600 – Full-time.

Reduced price: US$420 (Save US$180) – Full-time.

          Regular Price: US$650 per course [Part-time]

Reduced Price: US$600 per course (Save US$50) [Part-time]



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