(EST-Toronto Time)

NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

Linking life with learning!

Local Time

Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

HIS07: History

This course is designed for Grade 7 students to address two important aspects of history such as (i) new France and British North America (1713–1800); and (ii) Canada (1800–1850): conflict and challenges. In new France and British North America, students analyse aspects of the experiences of various groups and communities, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, in Canada between 1713 and 1800, and compare them to the lives of people in present-day Canada; use the historical inquiry process to investigate perspectives of different groups and communities, including First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities, on some significant events, developments, and/or issues related to the shift in power in colonial Canada from France to Britain; describe various significant people, events, and developments, including treaties, in Canada between 1713 and 1800, and explain their impact. In Canadian conflict and challenges, students analyse aspects of the lives of various groups and communities, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, in Canada between 1800 and 1850, and compare them to the lives of people in Canada in 1713–1800; use the historical inquiry process to investigate perspectives of different groups and communities, including First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit communities, on some significant events, developments, and/or issues that affected Canada and/or people in Canada between 1800 and 1850; describe various significant people, events, and developments, including treaties between Indigenous nations and imperial powers, in Canada between 1800 and 1850, and explain their impact.
For more information about the course, please click here.

Course Regular Price: US$600 – Full-time.

Reduced price: US$420 (Save US$180) – Full-time.

          Regular Price: US$700 per course [Part-time]

Reduced Price: US$650 per course (Save US$50) [Part-time]



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