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NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

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Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

ART06D: Dance or Drama

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Students in Grade 6 will develop or extend understanding of the following concepts through participation
in various dance experiences (e.g., using elements and choreographic forms to communicate themes and moods). The elements of dance are (i) body: body awareness, use of body parts, body shapes, locomotor and non-locomotor movements, body bases, symmetry versus asymmetry, geometric versus organic shape, angular versus curved shape, isolation of body parts (e.g., moving just the shoulder when the rest of the body is still), weight transfer (e.g., lunge, leap, roll); (ii) space: levels, pathways, directions, positive versus negative space, proximity of dancers to one another, various group formations, performance space (e.g., confined, large); (iii) time: pause, freeze, with music, without music, duration, rhythm, tempo, acceleration/deceleration; (iv) energy: effort, force, quality, inaction versus action, percussion, fluidity (e.g., wring, dab, mould, flow, bind) and (v) relationship: dancers to objects, opposition, groupings (e.g., large and small groups), meet/part, follow/lead, emotional connections between dancers, groupings.
Students in Grade 6 will develop or extend understanding of the following concepts through participation in various drama experiences. The elements of drama are (i) role/character: considering motivations of historical and fictional characters; considering various facets of multidimensional characters; revealing character through the use of props and movement/blocking; maintaining commitment to role; (ii) relationship: developing and analysing multidimensional relationships in the drama; (iii) time and place: improvising with/adapting available materials to establish setting; using blocking (e.g., when and where to move) and stage areas (e.g., upstage right, downstage center) in planning and performance; (iv) tension: using sound, lighting, technology, and stage effects to heighten tension; using foreshadowing
to create suspense; (v) focus and emphasis: using a range of devices and effects to highlight specific aspects of the performance for the audience.

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