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NSRIC International School in Toronto
Ontario, Canada

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Authorized and Registered Online K12 School by the Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada – BSID No: 665414

SOS01: Social Studies

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This course is designed for Grade 1 students to teach social studies by addressing two important aspects of social studies such as (i) heritage and identity: our changing roles and responsibilities and (ii) people and environments: the local community. In heritage and identity, students describe some of the ways in which people’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities relate to who they are and what their situation is, and how and why changes in circumstances might affect people’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities as well as their sense of self; use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some aspects of the interrelationship between their identity/sense of self, their different roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and various situations in their daily lives ; demonstrate an understanding that they and other people have different roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and that all people should be treated with respect, regardless of their roles, relationships, and responsibilities.
In people and environments, students describe some aspects of the interrelationship between people and the natural and built features of their community, with a focus on how the features of and services in the community meet people’s needs; use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some aspects of the interrelationship between people and different natural and built features of their local community, with a focus on significant short- and long-term effects of this interrelationship; describe significant aspects of their community, with reference to different areas, services, and natural and built features, demonstrating an understanding of some basic ways of describing location and measuring distance.

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